For Buy it Now items: Immediate payment via eBay checkout is required. Violators will be reported to eBay's Trust & Safety team. We kindly ask buyers to refrain from making requests to sell off the eBay site. We think these features are valuable, and as such we desire to uphold the integrity of the eBay website by only completing transactions on eBay. The eBay marketplace has built-in safety and security features designed to protect both buyers and sellers. PAYMENT We do NOT entertain offers to sell off eBay. Whether a misunderstanding or mistake, rest assured we're here to earn your satisfaction. Simply contact us and let us know about the problem.
If we make a mistake and we cannot fix it, we always offer a full refund to our customers, backed by the eBay Money Back Guarantee. We certainly never have any intentions of misrepresenting a product, but let's face it-we're all human and misunderstandings and mistakes happen from time to time. We also take high quality pictures of the individual items for sale, presenting larger than life detail (may not apply to multi-quantity listings). This starts by writing honest and accurate product descriptions for the items we sell. We value integrity and treat our customers the way we want to be treated as such, we expect the same. Honest & Accurate Product Descriptions: Jay Brokers is family owned and operated shop. You may receive an answer from our automated assistant, particularly while we are closed on weekends and holidays. Responsive Customer Service: We strive to answer questions within a couple hours during normal business hours (M-F, 9 AM - 6 PM EST). 1-6 business day delivery is standard for most items, but we also offer 2-day and overnight shipping options. OUR PLEDGE Fast Shipping: Always same-day shipping for orders paid by 10 AM EST (excludes weekends and holidays). We are a veteran eBay seller with over 18 years of top-rated customer feedback. We'll consider just about any item worth over $100 that is relatively easy to ship.

Our inventory features an eclectic range of items purchased from our customers ranging from gadgets and guitars to cameras and collectibles. ABOUT US Jay Brokers is a family owned and operated risk-free secondhand marketplace. Jay Brokers does not guarantee the outcome of unlocking attempts or unlocking eligibility. The new owner will need a compatible AT&T SIM card. It is ready for activation to another AT&T account. However, it is still financed with AT&T and the previous owner. The IMEI (***********9096) has been verified as of and is not reported lost or stolen. The item has been tested and is fully functional. Please refer to the pictures to get a better idea of the physical condition.

The item shows minor signs of wear and tear including scuff marks and worn finishes.
Microsoft Surface Duo Wi-Fi + LTE 128GB (AT&T) 8.1" Glacier Serial Number: 902662302967 Status: Used Physical Condition: 4 of 5 Includes: Tablet, USB-C Cable, AC Power Adapter, Original Box Notes: This item is gently used.