In the Palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas In dem Palast des Hohenpriesters, der da hieß Kaiphas, Und Schriftgelehrten und die Ältesten im VolkĪnd the scribes and the elders among the people What is your guilt, in what sort of wrongdoing Was ist die Schuld, in was für Missetaten So that such a harsh judgement is pronounced? Jesus, most dear to my heart, what have you done wrong,ĭass man ein solch scharf Urteil hat gesprochen? Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen, Und des Menschen Sohn wird überantwortet werden,įlauto traverso I/II e Oboe I/II e Violino I col Soprano, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, Continuo You know that after two days it will be Passover , Ihr wisset, dass nach zweien Tagen Ostern wird, When Jesus had finished this speech, he said to his disciples: Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Evangelist (T), Jesus (B)ĭa Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte, sprach er zu seinen Jüngern: Text: Christian Friedrich Henrici (Picander), based on Matthäus 26-27Ĭhorale Texts: Werde munter mein Gemüte | Meinen Jesum laß' ich nicht | Befiehl du deine Wege | O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden | Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit | O Welt, sieh hier dein Lebenīiblical quotations in green font, chorales in purpleįlauto traverso I/II, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Death attributable to cholera: death within one week of the onset of diarrhea in a person with confirmed or clinically defined cholera.English Translation in Interlinear Format Clinical case of cholera: acute watery diarrhea in a person over 5 years old who is seeking treatment. cholerae 0139 in any person who has diarrhea. Confirmed case of O139 cholera: laboratory-confirmed infection with toxigenic V. cholerae O1 in any person who has diarrhea. For purposes of simplicity, wide acceptance, and broad dissemination of case data, the following definitions are recommended: Confirmed case of O1 cholera: laboratory-confirmed infection with toxigenic V. cholerae O139 in Latin America, creating a need to distinguish between it and the prevailing O1 strain.

The situation is likely to be complicated in the future by the arrival of V.

Because of these variations broad intercountry comparisons (including disease burden calculations and care quality assessments base on case-fatality rates) are difficult to make, and even reported trends within a single country need to be evaluated with care. A good deal of variation was noted in the definitions used for reporting cholera cases, hospitalized cholera cases, and cholera-attributable deaths. A general downward trend in the incidence of cholera was observed in most South American countries, while the incidence increased in most Central American countries. The case-fatality rate over the three-year period, and also in 1993, was 0.8 per cent. In all, 948 429 cholera cases were reported to PAHO by affected Latin America countries from January 1991 through December 1993, the highest annual incidences being registered in Peru (19) and Guatemala (1993). The information about how cholera cases were defined was obtained from an Octuber 1993 PAHO questionnarie. This report presents the various cholera case definitions used by the affected countries of Latin America, shows the numbers of cholera cases and deaths attributable to cholera (as reported by Latin American countries to PAHO through 1993), describes some regional trends in cholera incidence.